IAC Tunisia
We landed in Tunisia!
Tunisian president of WORLD IAC Chef Eleonora Uccella is proud to represent her nation.
Soon there will be an exclusive event for all Iac Tunisia members, 5 stars Gold of the Tunisia Cuisine!
Our Tunisian partners can participate by sending their recipe where it will be examined by a jury of experts in the world of catering.
The professionalism of the Tunisian president with whom he works daily to select the profiles of the members of her territory, in compliance with the IAC Disciplinary, which Enhances, Supports and Supports the category of Chefs, in order to ensure the good name and value of Tunisian cuisine in the world and the local customs of the Tunisian territory.
Contribution to Research, Protection, Training and Promotion of Tunisian culinary art professionals and the entire food and wine sector.
Daily work in Research, Protection and Promotion of food and wine products with certification of quality mark and all Tunisian excellence.

5 Gold Star of The Cuisine - Tunisia
The Cuisine trophy is awarded to cooks and chefs who annually distinguish themselves for having contributed to spreading good cooking around the world. The coveted award is a source of pride and pride for the entire category. The Trophy is released free of charge, and everyone can apply by writing your own mini description, with the best recipe and attaching 2 photos.
The prize is not taken for granted, it is not due and it is not upon payment, as many associations do, for this 5 Golden Stars of Cuisine, it is an award that has enormous value in the Italian and world scene. Each application is submitted in detail to the IAC commission chaired by president Eleonora Uccella.
The candidate must meet the requirements as per the disciplinary. Once the submitted documentation has been viewed, the commission will give the candidate the answer.
The Bonus is not due, it is not discounted and it is not issued for a fee, for this reason it acquires its real value.